Player, Parent and Spectator Policies



Youth football players are the most important and integral part of the P.A.F.A. organization. The role of a player is an honor and privilege and carries with it an enormous responsibility. Players generate enthusiasm and must control and direct it, so it always makes a loud and positive statement of good sportsmanship. As ambassadors of the BGYFL and P.A.F.A., players are quite visible in the public eye, so what they do and say, whether good or bad, has tremendous consequences upon the respect ascribed to them, other BGYFL and P.A.F.A. participants, the BGYFL and P.A.F.A. organizations and the fans. Both the BGYFL and P.A.F.A. strive to teach the values of hard work, teamwork, sound fundamentals, and dealing with winning and losing in a constructive way.

Therefore, Football Players:

1. Shall promote interest and enthusiasm among fans at games (both home and away) and events.

2. Shall encourage good sportsmanship for the opposing team, its cheerleaders, fans, and officials by setting a good example.

3. Shall support and be respectful to all coaches, board members, adult volunteers, teammates, parents, opponents and officials.

4. Shall refrain from any vulgar, lewd, or obscene language or gestures while playing or watching any league-sponsored game, practice, or event.

5. Shall respect the property of all league franchises and the property of the residents living in the homes surrounding all game and practice fields.

6. Shall be responsible, courteous, and cooperative in dealing with coaches and teammates.

7. Shall support their team or squad – win or lose.

8. Shall respect their team or squad by wearing the appropriate team uniform and ensuring their appearance is neat and clean.

9. Shall attend regular practices (make practice a priority)

10. Shall NEVER speak to an official on the field unless the official has addressed you first. Always go to your head coach with any questions, issues, or concerns.

P.A.F.A. does not condone participation in illegal criminal activity or physical violence with anyone associated with our program. If such activities occur then the Board of Directors will meet in closed session along with the Head Coach and they alone will make the final decision on how the matter will be resolved. Expulsion from the organization without a refund is a possibility when dealing with criminal matters.


In addition to their Code of Conduct, P.A.F.A. specifically requires the following of its football players:

Football players must wear BGYFL-approved equipment and mouthguards while participating in practices and games. It is the player’s responsibility to be properly equipped at all games and practices.



Parents of youth football players have a great influence on their child’s enjoyment and success. Their support is essential to the success of any youth program. Not only should parents provide loyal and fair fan support in the stands on game day, but they should also provide support in such activities as fundraising, promotion, equipment maintenance, team sponsorship, and other volunteer activities. Whether sitting in the stands or helping out as a volunteer, parents should be models of good sportsmanship and lead by example both on and away from the playing field.

Therefore, Parents:

1.   Shall not criticize players in front of coaches, parents, players, spectators, officials, etc., but shall reserve constructive criticism for private discussion.

2.   Shall not interfere with the operation of the team just because their son or daughter is a member of the team.

3.   Shall place the health, safety, and welfare of their child(ren) ahead of his/her compulsions for power, glory, or personal desire to win.

4.   Shall positively support the coaches, players, and officials and help teach the value of commitment to the teams, sportsmanship, ethical conduct, and fair play.

5.   Shall accept decisions of game officials on the field and in competitions as being fair and called to their best ability.

6.   Shall not criticize the opposing team, its players, coaches, cheerleaders, or fans by word of mouth or by gesture.

7.   Shall encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating respect to all officials, coaches, players, cheerleaders, spectators, and volunteers.

8.   Shall refrain from any vulgar, lewd, obscene language or gesture while participating in, attending, or watching any league-sponsored game, practice, event, or competition.

9.   Shall not at any time push, shove, punch, kick, fight, or be guilty of physical contact as an aggressor upon any official, coach, player, cheerleader, or spectator.

10. Shall not verbally abuse, threaten, harass, or bait any official, coach, player, cheerleader, or spectator.

11. Being in the coaching box, players’ area, or on the game field before, during or after games

12. Review the FOOTBALL PLAYERS CODE OF CONDUCT with their child(ren) and encourage them to follow the Code during and throughout their participation in the PAFA program.


The conduct, expectations, and attitudes of fans, spectators, and volunteers have a significant bearing on youth football players’ attitudes toward officials, coaches, players, cheerleaders, spectators, and volunteers. Fans, spectators, and volunteers should always provide positive support and encouragement not only for Panther players but also for members of the opposition, as well. Whether or not they have a child in the program, they should always be models of good sportsmanship and lead by positive example.


Board Members, Coaches, Football Players, Volunteers, or any other persons associated with P.A.F.A. shall not use the internet (including online communities or websites such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.) or any other means of electronic communication to post or share negative or offensive content/comments directed toward any P.A.F.A. and/or BGYFL program, member or participant.

“Negative or offensive” content/comments include those that are derogatory, demeaning, malicious, defamatory, abusive, hateful, threatening, harassing, or which the P.A.F.A. Board of Directors otherwise determines to be of such a serious nature that it negatively impacts and/or reflects on the P.A.F.A. program, its image or reputation within the community.


P.A.F.A. has the authority to impose any disciplinary action(s) it deems necessary and appropriate for those who violate the P.A.F.A. CODE OF CONDUCT, RULES, AND REGULATIONS. Disciplinary action(s) for any violation(s) may include:

1.   A written and/or verbal warning.

2.   Request to leave and/or removal from league-sponsored activities, including games, practices, events or competitions.

3.   A period of suspension.

4.   Removal from the league.


Multiple warnings or requests to leave or removal from league-sponsored activities may result in a suspension of one or more games and/or other league-sponsored activities. All written warnings will be kept on file with P.A.F.A. Any person who refuses to leave a league-sponsored activity after being requested to do so by P.A.F.A. may be subject to removal by the park district or local police authorities.


Any person who receives a period of suspension by either the BGYFL or P.A.F.A. will be barred from participating in ALL league-sponsored activities in any way, and further will not be permitted to be present as a participant, volunteer, or spectator at any league-sponsored game, practice, event or competition until the period of suspension has ended. Two suspensions within the same season will result in an immediate suspension for the remainder of the then-current year.


The following will constitute grounds for removal from the league, which are not subject to protest or review:

1.   Removal from the league by the BGYFL according to the rules and regulations of its By-Laws.

2.   Conviction of or pleading guilty to theft or illegal taking of funds or equipment from P.A.F.A. or any other organization.

3.   Any action(s) resulting in a pleading of guilty and/or a legal conviction of a criminal act as determined by a court of law, which the P.A.F.A. Board of Directors determines to be of such a serious nature that it negatively impacts and/or jeopardizes the P.A.F.A. or BGYFL programs, their image and reputation within the community, and/or the health, safety, and welfare of their youth participants.


P.A.F.A. encourages its participants, parents, volunteers, and spectators to provide positive and constructive feedback, suggestions, praises, complaints, or other comments via email to the Panther Executive Board. All complaints, allegations, or grievances must be made in writing and delivered personally or via email to the Panther executive board for official action to be taken. Improper conduct and/or wrongdoing should be reported to the P.A.F.A. Board no later than 48 hours after the incident.

Any person making a complaint, allegation of misconduct, or grievance should be as specific as possible and include:

1.   The date, time, and location of the incident or conduct.

2.   The name(s) of the person(s) involved.

3.   The name(s) of any witness (es).

4.   A description of the incident or conduct.

5.   Their contact information, including their name, address and phone number.

Please note that P.A.F.A. cannot / will not take official action based on oral complaints alone, anonymous complaints, or complaints based on hearsay (what others said). If requested, P.A.F.A. will do its best to handle the complaint, allegation, or grievance in as confidential a manner as possible. In most such cases, the identity of the person(s) making the complaint will remain confidential. However, should the incident or conduct complained of warrant possible removal from the league, P.A.F.A. The Executive Board may conduct a fact-finding hearing behind closed doors in which both sides may be asked to appear.


The Executive Board will review any written complaint or grievance that is received. Thereafter, the Executive Board will either (a) conduct an informal investigation or (b) provide written notice of a fact-finding hearing to all those involved. Written notices will be provided in person, or via telephone, email, and/or U.S. Mail delivery.


An informal investigation shall consist of the P.A.F.A. Executive Board interviewing/talking to the person(s) involved, including one or more named witnesses, if any. Following the investigation, the P.A.F.A. The President will provide the Executive Board with a summary of the investigation and the President’s recommendation regarding any disciplinary action(s). Disciplinary action(s), if any, will be determined by members of the Executive Board who were involved in the investigation. Notice of disciplinary action(s) will be given to the offender(s) either in the form of a verbal warning or in writing by the P.A.F.A. President. The Executive Board shall make every effort to complete its informal investigation and provide notice of any disciplinary action(s) to the offender(s) within seven days of receipt of the written complaint, allegation(s), or grievance. Decisions made by the Executive Board regarding disciplinary actions ARE FINAL.


A fact-finding hearing may be requested by:

1.   The P.A.F.A. executive board if, in their opinion, the reported allegation(s) of improper conduct and/or wrongdoing warrants such a hearing before imposition of disciplinary action(s); and/or

2.   P.A.F.A. participants, including Executive Board, Coaches, Football Players, Cheerleaders, and Volunteers, accused of improper conduct and/or wrongdoing and who are subject to possible removal from the league. The ultimate decision on whether or not to conduct a fact-finding hearing rests solely with members of The P.A.F.A. Executive Board who will make the decision based on 7-person board with no ties. Notice of the hearing will be provided in person or via telephone, email, and/or U.S. Mail delivery to all persons involved, and will include the date, time, and location of the hearing. The hearing will be conducted confidentially behind closed doors and will take place within a reasonable period following the alleged incident, improper conduct, or wrongdoing. Hearings will be attended by members of The P.A.F.A. Executive Board.


1.   This fact-finding hearing shall be run by the P.A.F.A. executive board.

2.   The P.A.F.A. Executive Board may then hear from other sides and/or witnesses in an orderly manner.

3.   Following the hearing, the P.A.F.A. Executive Board will determine, by simple majority vote, whether the allegations of wrongdoing and/or improper conduct are, more likely than not, supported by the evidence and/or facts presented.

4.   If the P.A.F.A. Executive Board determines that the allegations of wrongdoing and/or improper conduct are, more likely than not, supported by the evidence and/or facts presented, they will then, by simple majority vote, impose any disciplinary action(s) they deem necessary, appropriate, and/or as specified in the P.A.F.A. CODE OF CONDUCT, RULES AND REGULATIONS.

NOTE: In making its determination(s) and/or decisions regarding disciplinary action(s), the P.A.F.A. Executive Board may take into consideration either side’s absence from the hearing should he/she/they fail or choose not to be present.

I have read (*reviewed with my parents) and understand the terms and conditions of the P.A.F.A. CODE OF CONDUCT, RULES, AND REGULATIONS, and agree to obey and be bound by its provisions.


Signature Date


Printed Name

*Applicable to all football players. Parents with a child(ren) participating in P.A.F.A. youth football are responsible for reviewing the P.A.F.A. Code of Conduct, Rules and Regulations, and in particular the FOOTBALL PLAYERS CODE OF CONDUCT and the rules about internet and other electronic communications, with their child(ren) and encouraging him/her/them to follow the Code and rules during and throughout their participation.

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